The event will include the Ford GTs built for racing during the 60’s, as well as some of the other prototypes, the reincarnated Ford GTs from the mid 2000’s, and mostly like the new Ford GT that just debuted in Detroit.
We all know and love the Raptor. By far, it's the coolest truck Ford has introduced (and reintroduced) in a long while.
Whether it’s his countless Rally Cross Fiesta STs, or his Gymkhana Hoonicorn, each showcase Ken Block's attention to lunacy. However, only one has tank treads.
"To me, it's most about power. So power and performance. If we deliver Raptor customers with more horsepower and torque than they have today, in a lighter truck so the power-to-weight ratio is off-the-charts," Ford's Eric Peterson tells us.
The 2015 Ford Expedition picked up the highest vehicle safety rating from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Plus, it is now available in a pricey, Platinum edition.
Right now, Ford is doing their own initial recall investigation to see if a full recall is necessary. But seeing how strongly both the government and the public reacted to all the issues with GM, it’s becoming very likely that Ford will issue a full recall.
That my dear friends is Ken Block hooning the hell out of the new Focus RS around a damp track.