1968 Dodge Charger Restored For Cancer Patient By Make-A-Wish


Teenager Matthew Wood was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma a few years ago. Several years before that, his family had acquired a 1968 Dodge Charger project car, but they had made very little progress on the restoration. The Make-A-Wish Foundation stepped in, turned the car over to Morrie’s Automotive Group, who gave it the full treatment, ...

Scion Promotes Series 10 With New Commercial


  Scion’s hot new thing are their series 10 special editions. We’ve covered them pretty extensively here. Scion has just begun their fusillade of promotion with the video below being the first shot fired. The commercial is… Well, kinda ridiculous, but in the way that most commercials are. Everyone is young, hip, happy, urban, and [...]