Spy Shots: BMW “G30″ 5 Series Sedan


G30. Sounds as if it's a potential name for a future Infiniti, doesn't it? Well, it's not. Think German, as in BMW. More specifically, think the next 5 Series, which is known within the halls of the Teutonic automaker's headquarters by those three characters. Check out photos of the next 5 after the jump.

Spy Shots: BMW “G30″ 5 Series Sedan


G30. Sounds as if it's a potential name for a future Infiniti, doesn't it? Well, it's not. Think German, as in BMW. More specifically, think the next 5 Series, which is known within the halls of the Teutonic automaker's headquarters by those three characters. Check out photos of the next 5 after the jump.

Spy Shots: BMW “G30″ 5 Series Sedan


G30. Sounds as if it's a potential name for a future Infiniti, doesn't it? Well, it's not. Think German, as in BMW. More specifically, think the next 5 Series, which is known within the halls of the Teutonic automaker's headquarters by those three characters. Check out photos of the next 5 after the jump.