No, that's not me asking President Obama if he can drift, but him asking you if you can, because apparently, his very own Secret Service limousine driver can do a mother-lover of burn-outs around Lime Rock Park—in reverse.
Marvel movies manage to push many of our buttons the right way. Not only do most of us love watching the super heroes we grew up with on the large screen, but they feature excellent product placement that makes us ignore all warning signs and buy such products as soon as we can.
What's it like to take a virtual tour inside, and outside the new C400 4MATIC, or even the C43 AMG? Luckily Digital Throttle has provided us with such videos to whet your appetite before you get your hands on the real thing in the next few months.
The new E350 diesel is a showcase of technology. Here's a closer look at it in action.
Annual program features over 20 events Season begins at the Techno Classica vintage car show in Essen Anniversary: Eighty years ago, Bernd Rosemeyer drove the Auto Union Type C racing car to victory in the European Championship This year Audi Tradition is once again taking part in more than 20 events in Germany and abroad [...]
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Genes are sometimes handed down, but personality traits don't always stick to kin. So how can you assure your child is cool? BUY THIS C7 Z06 CORVETTE BED!
The story of Chris Waugh and his ’69 wide-body C3 Corvette tugs at the heartstrings, even if you aren’t much of a Corvette fan.