Monthly Archives: October 2014

WTF is This GT-R?

Nissan GT-R 5-slider

Godzilla strikes fear in our hearts and lust in our loins! Ok, maybe not, but it’s a pretty epic car. I just drove one the other day for the first time and to say it isn’t a psychotic animal is just plain wrong. That said, it’s been around for quite some time and is looking a bit [...]

TRUCKIN’ FAST 10 Second F-250 Rolls its Way Down the 1/4 Mile

1050 mpd f250 624

This week’s Truckin’ Fast video features a heavily built Ford F-250 from the folks at Maryland Performance Diesel. There is no information as to what work has been done to this F-250 and Maryland Performance Diesel has built so many super-fast PowerStroked Ford trucks but this one is special. This is the race ready F-250 [...] More »