Monthly Archives: October 2014

Daimler Says Goodbye to Tesla

Daimler and Tesla Partnership Featured

Buy low, sell high. That’s the old adage regarding how to make money on stocks. What isn’t widely known however is that individuals aren’t the only ones that subscribe to this way of thinking. Companies do it, too.  Take for instance Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz who recently divested its stock holdings in Tesla. In […]

Daimler Says Goodbye to Tesla

Daimler and Tesla Partnership Featured

Buy low, sell high. That’s the old adage regarding how to make money on stocks. What isn’t widely known however is that individuals aren’t the only ones that subscribe to this way of thinking. Companies do it, too.  Take for instance Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes-Benz who recently divested its stock holdings in Tesla. In […]

Throwback Thursday: Fun Time Ad


It’s always funny to me when people talk about Harley Davidson and how it’s mired in the past, doesn’t innovate, and makes archaic machinery. My answer is generally “So what?” Why are these so often considered a bad thing. Sure there are parts of the past that are not great, but there are parts of […]